Come On In, Whose Voice, and Piece Of My Mind


Thursday, February 28, 2013

Come On In

''If you knew Jesus was coming to visit you at your house tonight, would you run to the door to welcome him with open arms, or would you (we) need to rush around to hide some things. What do you have in your home that you (we) would be ashamed for him to find?''

This was a post from my cousin, Gina, on her facebook page and I thought it was a good point to ponder.  Everything we have and own belong to God but would He want to claim it?  Music and movie collections, are they an encouragement to the soul?  Is your home an example of earthly hoarding or an example of humble giving?
It's okay to surround yourself with things you enjoy and make you happy but there are limits to one's greed and self indulgence.  We must give our first fruits to God, not the leftovers.  'In my house, we will serve the Lord.'  It's not just a saying but should be a way of life.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

WhosE Voice?

We went last night to Verizon arena to see the ventriliquist, Jeff Dunham.  It was a great, funny show, although uncensored- unlike on television.  My favorite puppet is Walter, a grumpy old man who tells it like it is regardless of what others think. Jeff has six main puppets with all different personalities. It was a good night of laughter.

The idea of puppets makes me think about our own voices.  God didn't create us to be puppets so He gave us freewill.  Yet, He is our master. Is your voice being controlled by the Master?  It says in the Bible, we are not defiled by what goes into our mouths but by what comes out of it.  If we each had a mouth filter, how much dirt would yours catch?

Here's a quote I found that makes alot of sense...  'When words reach the tip of your tongue, hold back half of them.'

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Piece of my Mind

Okay so from this caption, we now know what lies ahead for my future.  Giving someone 'peace of mind' is a far cry from giving someone a 'piece of your mind.'  ha

I recently ordered myself a new coffee mug with Maxine on it.  It says 'Everyone is entitled to my opinion.'  lol  I can honestly say I'm an opinionated person but I hope that I am open-minded enough to not totally reject a rebuke without at least giving it some thought.  ''The man who never alters his opinion is like standing water, and breeds reptiles of the mind.''

Pieces of my mind are certainly more apt to fly out of my mouth when under pressure.  You can't relate to this? Yea right.  Sometimes the pieces can fly right back at you and smack you in the forehead.  One time at the airport, the ticket counter person seemed to be going slower than slow.  I slammed my fist down on the counter and said 'YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE US MISS OUR FLIGHT.'  He calmly said, 'ma'am you're flight has been delayed.'  'Oh, okay, good' was all I could humbly say.

We must have a firm foundation of our beliefs that are unwavering but our opinions can often be quickly given without thought or merit.  Sometimes people don't want to know what we think but if they do, they will ask.

A Choice, Decisions, and The Battle of Discouragement


Monday, July 27, 2015

A Choice

It is a choice we all make in our lives, in both fleeting moments and as a lifestyle.  What have you decided on?  Vengeance is mine, says The Lord.  Our sin nature in the flesh wants to retaliate when we feel wronged but the Holy Spirit should guide us in our words and actions.
We should use our bodies to be a light to the world and not to reveal more darkness.  Gentleness is a fruit of the spirit that is in strong demand and short supply in our world today.  

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Are you a good decision maker?  Some decisions need to be thought over with ample time but other decisions need to be made with a quick response.  Often people want to pass the buck and have others decide for them.  I think this can develop into a bad habit.  Some of the most important questions in life are only left for you to decide.

One day I was on my way home after work.  There is about a two mile stretch of interstate between work and my exit to go home. I was headed east-bound when I noticed a tractor-trailer tire was bouncing towards me from the west-bound lanes.  I don't know where it came from but I knew I had to think fast.  I could slow down and maybe it would pass in front of me? But I couldn't go in reverse if need be.  Or I could speed up and pass it before it got to me?  If I speed up and we meet, it'll be quick and over.  I had about 5 seconds to decide how this story would end.  The tire was now in the median.  You would think it would fall over but no, it didn't.  I floored it, as you might expect if you know me very well.  The tire passed behind me somewhere and no other cars got hit either.

The fatal tire will hit each of us someday and we most likely won't see it coming.  Your time is now to make decisions about your life and your eternal destiny.  Don't wait too long!

Monday, November 9, 2020

The Battle of Discouragement

Psalm 42:1-8

As the deer pants for streams of water,
    so my soul pants for you, my God.
 My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.
    When can I go and meet with God?
 My tears have been my food
    day and night,
while people say to me all day long,
    “Where is your God?”
 These things I remember
    as I pour out my soul:
how I used to go to the house of God
    under the protection of the Mighty One[
with shouts of joy and praise
    among the festive throng.

 Why, my soul, are you downcast?
    Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
    for I will yet praise him,
    my Savior and my God.

 My soul is downcast within me;
    therefore I will remember you
from the land of the Jordan,
    the heights of Hermon—from Mount Mizar.
 Deep calls to deep
    in the roar of your waterfalls;
all your waves and breakers
    have swept over me.

 By day the Lord directs his love,
    at night his song is with me—
    a prayer to the God of my life.

Oh if you know me personally, then you know that I have been discouraged in 2020.  Actually, I don't know of anyone who hasn't been discouraged in some way this year.  Discouragement can come from anywhere, but it may be from your health, your job, your friends, the election, the media, the way you're treated, COVID-19, or just the current circumstance that life has you in.  In our times of discouragement, let us remember that God loves us and desires to lead us to a place of a renewed vision of Himself!

"Disappointments will come and go, but discouragement is a response, and we can respond in other ways.  If we understand that God allows disappointments, we can find meaning in trouble.  Confess...'The Father is with me in the pain; He’s in control of my life and has allowed this for a reason; He is a good God, who will not let this disappointment be in vain.'  Discouragement may sound harmless enough, but don’t underestimate its power. By keeping watch, you can avoid its deadly trap" []

“Keep Calm and Carry On.” This message first appeared in Great Britain as World War II began in 1939. British officials printed it on posters designed to offset panic and discouragement during the war.  I have a t-shirt that my friend, Karla, made for me that says, "Keep Calm and Blog On".  She knows that I blog about what's on my heart and I find encouragement through it.

As for myself, the battle of discouragement used to be an easy one for me but now it is not.  I've probably relied to much on myself in the past but now I see that reliance on the Lord is my only hope and path.  I have been in the hallway of waiting so much lately for a new aide and for other things I won't reveal here.  I know God is faithful.  I, also, know that I am impatient.  I will use this blog personally to encourage myself and try to be as patient, as possible.  God has conquered my doubts 100% of the times before, so I will trust Him again and again and continue to pray.

6 Ways to battle discouragement are:  to count your blessings, consider what you take for granted, practice whatever encourages you, give of yourself to others, remind yourself that others are praying for what you have, and read encouraging Scripture.

Understand that discouragement...[]:

Is something we choose. While it’s a natural response to difficult circumstances, we have the power to choose a different response. No one else is responsible for our discouragement.

Is universal. At times, everybody will face periods of disappointment and discouragement because we live in a flawed world filled with flawed people.

Can recur. Sometimes we think we’ve settled an issue, which later resurfaces when we least expect it. Or we may have old emotional wounds triggered by something a person says or does.

Can be temporary or lifelong. Refusing to face discouragement head-on can open the door for it to influence our decisions, actions, and relationships as long as we live.

Is conquerable. With the Father’s help, we can get through seasons of discouragement. He wants His children to have a rich and fulfilled life. If we trust in His promises and His character, our feelings of discouragement will slowly be replaced by hope.

Even if you still feel discouraged, remember above all else, God is in control.

Your Choice, I Hate To Be Humbled, and Just Do

From Angie’s Archives

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Your Choice

The mindset of a person is very revealing.  In just a few words, you can tell what a person's perspective on life is...negative or positive.  What is yours and which do you like to surround yourself with?

'Your life is a message to the world, make sure it's inspiring.'  We all complain at times, but don't make it a chronic issue in your life.  I believe in the caption's message whole-heartily.  Where our focus lies is where our energy is spent.  Are you wasting or investing your energy and time?

Misery is optional.  You must see your trials as temporary and move both your mind and yourself to better things.

Trust in God's goodness and enjoy the journey.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

I Hate to Be Humbled

I like to 'appear' put together and at my best when around others, even when I'm not up to par.  As they say, 'Fake it till ya make it.'  Well sometimes, you get caught off guard unexpectedly.

Today as we drove into church, I didn't recognize the car in front of us.  As we were getting ready to unload, a woman was walking toward us and the church.  Even after 25 years, I knew that was my friend from high school, Tabetha.  I wanted to greet her, as well as hide.  I had my mask on and it was not how I wanted her to recognize and see me after all these years.  Of course, Tabetha knew me and was as sweet as ever.  It was great to visit with her, after I left my pride outside in the van.  It was a humbling experience, but there was greater joy to see my friend from long ago.

Life is a process of changes and it keeps us humble.  I am the same girl who drove endless miles cruising Levy in my red Prelude that waved and honked at friends, like Tabetha, every weekend.  Now I am with a few more miles with wear and tear to show for it.  True friends, like Tabetha, accept you for who you really are, despite the changes we have all been dealt.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Just Do

I think this is a good caption to think about as 2014 approaches.  People often set goals for the new year and that's as far as they get......give or take a week or two.  If only we were as good as our intentions. Good intentions are worthless without actions behind them.

Your actions speak for themselves.  People will tire of your claims to be better at 'whatever', if there is nothing to show for it.

Have you heard the phrase, 'The road to hell is paved with good intentions.'   The false idea that 'if you are just good enough' that you will get to heaven leads so many in the opposite direction.  People might claim to put God first after everything settles down and gets in order but that only happens when God is your first priority.  ''Ego says, once everything falls into place, I'll find peace. Spirit says, find peace, and everything falls into place.''

What is holding you back from being the person God created you to be?  Procrastination, laziness, self-doubt? Make a plan and follow through....just do it.

Driving, Adaptable, and Preservance Pays Off


Friday, August 5, 2011


I have been driving something I think since the age of 2.  Beginning with a tricycle, Big Wheels, bicycle, go-cart, three wheeler, riding mower, car, and scooter. Driving has been a big part of my life. Dirt donuts were my claim to fame on the go-cart. We lived across from a playground that had a low spot that collected dirt. You go around the playground about 3 times picking up speed then slam the brakes in the dirt, spinning the go-cart in a whirlwind of dust. oh what fun. Now to the three-wheeler that can enable you to fly, ha. Seriously, Burns Park used to have sand dunes to ride on and you can catch air if you go fast enough. We have a picture of me in the air on the three-wheeler. I also did my share of mowing on our 2.5 acres and at my grandparent’s place in the country, not so bad minus the ticks and rocks, lol. Finally, a car at last. Cruising Levy was the thing to do back in high school. Yes, driving a mile in a circular path for hours..ha. I drove most of the time and I may be partly to blame for McCain Blvd being a 30mph no-tolerance zone now. Speed limit to me means speed minimum...doing 35 in a 45 zone is just not right. Over the years, my guardian angels have been fast on their feet and thankfully protected my speedy self.

Due to my progressive weakness, I gave up driving on my own in 2003. Driving is a major sign of independence and freedom but you can't be selfish. You must know your limits and consider that other’s lives are at stake. This will be a reality someday for most of us. Don't make a hard choice more difficult by being selfish, the consequences could be deadly.

Hoping to be a speed angel in heaven one day..............Angie

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Do you consider yourself adaptable? Do you find a way to make things work or do you give up? I've had to adapt throughout my life, not being able to do things like I once could. We must try our best but we must also not be too proud to ask for and receive help from others.

The best example of adaptability in my life was when I was learning to drive. My mom took me out to Camp Robinson to practice. I drove for a while with no problems. Then I went into an empty parking lot to practice parking. Ok, so park in that, that’s not a good one. Ok, so how about that, it’s no good either. I was trying to stay calm yet freaking out inside. I couldn't put on the brake. Ok, just pick any spot. Too many circles around the lot makes one suspicious. My time was up, I had to confess 'I can't hit the brake.'  WHAT? She hit the brake and we went home. My dad figured out that the gas pedal was lower than the brake. So you had to lift your leg and slide it over to apply the brakes. What would you do, not drive or adapt? We adapted by raising the gas pedal to be even with the brake. I didn't get to drive alone for a while until we were sure I was safe. It’s funny in hindsight, lol.

As we get older, we will all face things that are more difficult to do. If you don't believe me, ask anyone with arthritis. Learn to adapt, don't give in to the circumstance.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Perserverance pays off

I don't remember the exact date but it was about this time in August of 1994, 17 years ago wow, that I graduated from Northern Illinois University. [Finishing college is a story of perseverance in itself but that’s not my focus today] I was now ready to find a job and start my career. I sent out numerous resumes and went on both do-able and far-fetched interviews. I went to one interview, and when I got there the building wasn't accessible. The interview was held in my van. Another interview was for a quality control tech in a chicken factory at 30 degrees. I interviewed twice with St. John Hospital to work in the tuberculosis lab. My job search also included attending a daily job training center to help me find a job. My search lasted two years, a long two years.

Finally one day I got a call from a pickle company saying I'd been hired. To make a long story short, I couldn’t do that job [climb into a vat] but thru them found out the temporary agency I signed up with wasn’t sending out my resumes. I immediately went over there to 'chew some hide'. They knew they were caught discriminating and told me about a job they just got in that day at a lab. I got this job and it was the best job suited for me. I worked there 5yrs and loved it.

So this shows God's timing is perfect and what He has in store for us is worth waiting for. We must be diligent in pursuing our goals, rarely does a goal get achieved from the couch. Follow thru even though it looks pointless, the experience may teach you something. Finally, just keep after it, perseverance pays off. 

Music, Strength, and Hair


Saturday, July 30, 2011

it is well with my soul

Last year while I was in the hospital, four friends, the Clarks and the Perssons, came to visit me. While they were there they all sang 'It Is Well with My Soul' acapella. Beautiful doesn’t even begin to describe it. The peace in the room during those moments was so great, it was almost touchable.

I love this song. The love of God is like an ocean, you can see the beginning but not the end. Peace to know that He is controlling everything for your good is comforting. All of your sin, not just part of it, is nailed to the cross.


Whatever happens today, it is well with my soul.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Strength is not always revealed in a dramatic display; at times, it’s demonstrated in determined endurance.

When trials hit us, we often find we are not as strong as we thought. If we are physically injured, we want a quick fix so it'll be over soon.

It takes patience, determination, and strength from the Lord to get through any trial.

We are helpless on our own. I probably talk too much about my hospital stay last year but I have never felt so weak and helpless. God was my sustainer. He answered numerous prayers on my behalf and I am grateful. It’s been 10 months now and He continues to teach me dependence on Him. 

‘Jesus is a rock in a weary land, a shelter in the time of storm'

Exodus 15:2

New International Version (NIV)
 2 “The LORD is my strength and my defense[a];
   he has become my salvation.
He is my God, and I will praise him,
   my father’s God, and I will exalt him.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


How important is your hair to you?

Can you imagine yourself without it?

I am quite vain in this department. I've always had thick hair and never imagined a day without it. Well no one ever told me that getting sick can result in hair loss. Your body stops doing unnecessary things, like growing hair, to concentrate on keeping you alive.

So after my sickness, my hair fell out from Jan thru March. April 7th, I remember distinctly, is the day it quit coming out.


It was a humbling experience. I think of all the cancer patients who lose it all.

We must remember God looks at our hearts, not our appearance so we too must make that our focus.

I watched a show on kids with progeria, a disease that makes a 6yr old body like that of a 60yr old. These kids want but are never able to have hair. Its one of their biggest desires but they dont focus on that. They live their short lives to the fullest and give 110 percent in all they do. They inspire me with their gusto.

May we all focus on our hearts rather than appearance and give 110 percent in all we do.